Friday, February 13, 2015


Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kab. Rote Ndao
Jl. Ba'a-Lekunik, Rote Ndao, NTT.


Pingin tau arti Sasandu dalam Bahasa Inggris??? Ini dia definisinya menurut Wikipedia:
(Definition of Sasandu).


Sasando is harp-like traditional music string instrument native of Rote island of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The name ‘sasando’ derived from Rote dialect ‘sasandu’ means ‘vibrating’ or ‘sounded instrument’.  It is believed that sasando already known to Rote people since 7th century.

The main part of sasando is a bamboo tube that served as the frame of the instrument. Surrounded the tube is several wooden pieces served as wedges. The wedges function is to hold the strings higher than the tube surface and also to produce various lengths of strings to create different musical notations.

 The stringed bamboo tube is surrounded by a bag-like fan of dried lontar or palmyra leafs, functioned as the resonator of the instrument. Sasando is played with both hands reaching into the stings on bamboo tube through lontar opening on the front, and the player’s fingers plucked the strings in the fashion similar to playing harp of kecapi.

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